[postlink]http://radical-technology.blogspot.com/2010/06/deadly-wars-lightsabre-sold-to-uk.html[/postlink]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxfFrFS_jysendofvid [starttext]A handheld laser likened to a Star Wars lightsabre and so powerful it can instantly blind and "set fire to skin and other body parts" can be bought online and shipped to the UK. The device - with a beam 1,000 times stronger than sunlight on the skin - is touted by makers as "the most dangerous laser ever created". Laser safety expert John Colton, director of Lucid Optical Services, told Sky News Online that the lasers were "horrendously dangerous. http://www.lucidos.co.uk/ [endtext]
Using robots in nursing homes linked to higher employee retention, better
patient care
Facing high employee turnover and an aging population, nursing homes have
increasingly turned to robots to complete a variety of care tasks, but few
1 day ago